Friday, September 12, 2008


好多謝各方好友係我去咗staff retreat嘅時候,幫我關心同照顧朱先生,你哋真係好,一到放工時間,大家都會打俾朱先生睇下佢有無飯食,哈哈!朱先生話真係多謝你個BLOG啦! 不過,佢最終個幾晚都返咗奶奶到食,緊係啦唔怕我打Long D哦佢咩,哈哈!!

今次staff retreat,我只係記得每日早上10點鐘開會,開到1點,然後老細煮飯食,食完lunch再開會,開到差唔多6點,老細煮dinner,食完dinner再有一個討論時間關於"3 signs of a miserable job", 都幾得意架,可以反醒下自己嘅工作同反醒下自己。

1. Anonymity: 
We can't like what we're doing if we aren't known, appreciated, and seen for our uniqueness.
2. Irrelevance: 
We have to know our job matters to someone, even if it means our good work ethic makes our bosses life better. We must see a connection between our work and the satisfaction of another person or group.
3. Immeasurement: 
We have to be able to gauge our progress and level of contribution for ourselves. It needs to be tangible, and not a huge program that evaluates effectiveness every 6 months but something we can daily measure if we met our goals. If our success is based on the whims and opinions of others we can't feel in control of our own fate. 


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