Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stupid Me

上個星期做咗一件超低能嘅事,我竟然留咗個stroller係Coquitlam Centre 個Parking, 仲要係去到公園諗住拎個stroller先發現唔見咗,然後9秒9駛番去睇下搵唔搵得番,一路揸車一路勁祈禱,感恩,最後都搵得番, phew!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayer from a parent's heart

近排讀到呢個article, it's a good reminder how to pray for our kids, 所以post係blog到remind me how to pray for my kids.
Prayer list:   
- Purity 
- Relationships 
- Protection 
- Personal weaknesses 
- Thanks
Purity:  I pray for purity both for my kids and for their future spouses.  Their spouses are out there somewhere, growing up as children right now, and what happens in their lives will greatly affect the life of my children down the road.
Relationships:Above all, I pray that my kids will develop strong relationships with the Lord.  I also pray for healthy relationships with their siblings, with friends, and with my husband and I as their parents. 

Protection:  The world is a dangerous place in many ways.  I pray for physical, spiritual and emotional protection for each child.

Personal weaknesses:  Every child has their own struggles, whether it's lying, angry outbursts, disrespect, or any number of other issues.  I pray that God will shape their character and turn their weaknesses to strengths. 

Thanks:  Each child also has unique strengths that are God's gift to our family.  I thank God for their special qualities and ask HIM to continue to develop these characteristics in our children. 

For my daughter: 
"Lord, we ask for purity in her life and that of her husband.  We ask for protection over their innocence and purity; protect them from others and from wrong choices, call them to a higher standard.  We ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing her for a life of purity and modesty.  I also ask that you grant her husband's parents wisdom as they raise a man of integrity." 

For my son: 
"Lord, we pray against pornography, and lust and its evil effects on his life both as a child and as an adult.  Give us wisdom in teaching him to respect girls and women.  Put a calling of purity upon his life that he will never use, abuse or take advantage of girls or women.  We ask for wisdom and dicernment in teaching and preparing him for a life of purity." 

I pray blessing and biblical qualities for my children.  The Bible has a lot to say about how we speak and the power of the tongue to do damage, but also to bring healing." The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21) 

I pray for wisdom as a parent regarding specific issues for each of my children.  The Bible says whoever lacks wisdom, he should ask GOD, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5)
(Prayed faithfully for a good Christian friend for our kids in high school)
From the Light Magazine - Prayer from a parent's heart by Beth Scholes

Saturday, June 9, 2012


近排所喜愛的韓文歌,呢首係我剛剛睇完嘅韓劇”屋塔房的王世子“插曲之一, Love it!^O^

Tuesday, June 5, 2012



第一次食solid food, 佢pick up 都幾快,頭一兩啖成日流番出嚟之外,其餘都好快食唒,仲捉住隻spoon唔肯放,食到超緊張! 連BB朱都話妹妹朱超得意。

第二個第一次係今日瞓醒,擺佢係play mat到坐,佢竟然唔駛扶住自己坐得好穩,坐係到玩咗好耐,勁!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jase攪笑語錄 (一)

行行下Mall, Jase突然同我講
Jase: "媽咪, I love you呀!"
我:“Oh, so sweet"
當我想回應I love you, too嘅時候
Jase: "媽咪,我"nut"褲呀”
原來佢係想同我講佢'nut‘褲,唔係I love you...hahahhaa..一場歡喜o_O

On the way 去Maggie Cheng and George Chan 婚禮嘅時候
Jase: 媽咪,去完婚禮,Maggie 姐姐係唔係會變Auntie架?