Friday, August 17, 2012


今日原本7PM返到屋企, 但係去到Parking lot門口先記得個remote無電, 開唔到個閘, 唯有走去superstore買電池, 最惨係兩個小朋友都瞓哂, 但係要攪醒Jase先可以入到去買, 未瞓醒嘅Jase更係又話要抱又話攰, 幾番唇舌先買到電池, 一心以為返到屋企, 點知上到屋企門囗先發現唔見咗門匙, 超爆興!  好無助之際,我記得奶奶有是啤匙, 跟住即刻殺入coquitlam centre交收, 卒之9点先入到屋企, 兩個小朋友已經超攰, 拿拿淋幫佢哋沖哂涼上床瞓.

整件事我係用超炆憎嘅態度去面对, 但係天父籍着我講bedtime story对我說話,(原先我咁興都唔係好想講bedtime story架啦, 但係唔知點解叫咗Jase是但揀本書等我講下啦!  跟住佢揀咗本Thomas the train)天父真係好funny, 個故仔係講Thomas遇到好多困難, 雖然困難重重,但係佢好積極面对, 同每一個難關仲有出路, 我一路講個故事俾Jase聽, 其實同一時間天父講緊故事俾我聽, calm me down.

之後我將頭先我哋發生嘅事代入Thomas 嘅故事當中講一次俾Jase聽,  Thomas 佢用positive嘅態度面对困難, 但係媽咪就好失敗用咗好嬲嘅態度面对頭先嘅事, 我叫Jase唔好學媽咪, 我同Jase講sorry, 我係唔係嚇親佢, 我叫佢原諒我, Jase跟住攬住我爆喊, 我先知我頭先嘅態度真嚇親佢,喊夠後, 佢話原諒我, 仲錫咗我一啖, 我哋一齊祈禱, 然後Jase好開心咁好快瞓着咗.

多謝天父俾我同Jase有呢段時間, 真的好寶貴.

天父看顧係好完備, 佢知我worry唔知條鎖匙去咗边又怕有人開門入嚟break in, 我只係沖緊涼諗緊之際, 電話就響, 係阿榮打嚟問我係唔係跌咗鎖匙, 佢見到有條鎖匙係AFC parking lot到,有好心人將條鎖匙放埋一边, 咁Q佢同maggie見到覺得個sytle好似係我, 所以打嚟問下.

嘩!  簡直係Amazing!   I love u, Lord!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stupid Me

上個星期做咗一件超低能嘅事,我竟然留咗個stroller係Coquitlam Centre 個Parking, 仲要係去到公園諗住拎個stroller先發現唔見咗,然後9秒9駛番去睇下搵唔搵得番,一路揸車一路勁祈禱,感恩,最後都搵得番, phew!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Prayer from a parent's heart

近排讀到呢個article, it's a good reminder how to pray for our kids, 所以post係blog到remind me how to pray for my kids.
Prayer list:   
- Purity 
- Relationships 
- Protection 
- Personal weaknesses 
- Thanks
Purity:  I pray for purity both for my kids and for their future spouses.  Their spouses are out there somewhere, growing up as children right now, and what happens in their lives will greatly affect the life of my children down the road.
Relationships:Above all, I pray that my kids will develop strong relationships with the Lord.  I also pray for healthy relationships with their siblings, with friends, and with my husband and I as their parents. 

Protection:  The world is a dangerous place in many ways.  I pray for physical, spiritual and emotional protection for each child.

Personal weaknesses:  Every child has their own struggles, whether it's lying, angry outbursts, disrespect, or any number of other issues.  I pray that God will shape their character and turn their weaknesses to strengths. 

Thanks:  Each child also has unique strengths that are God's gift to our family.  I thank God for their special qualities and ask HIM to continue to develop these characteristics in our children. 

For my daughter: 
"Lord, we ask for purity in her life and that of her husband.  We ask for protection over their innocence and purity; protect them from others and from wrong choices, call them to a higher standard.  We ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing her for a life of purity and modesty.  I also ask that you grant her husband's parents wisdom as they raise a man of integrity." 

For my son: 
"Lord, we pray against pornography, and lust and its evil effects on his life both as a child and as an adult.  Give us wisdom in teaching him to respect girls and women.  Put a calling of purity upon his life that he will never use, abuse or take advantage of girls or women.  We ask for wisdom and dicernment in teaching and preparing him for a life of purity." 

I pray blessing and biblical qualities for my children.  The Bible has a lot to say about how we speak and the power of the tongue to do damage, but also to bring healing." The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21) 

I pray for wisdom as a parent regarding specific issues for each of my children.  The Bible says whoever lacks wisdom, he should ask GOD, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5)
(Prayed faithfully for a good Christian friend for our kids in high school)
From the Light Magazine - Prayer from a parent's heart by Beth Scholes

Saturday, June 9, 2012


近排所喜愛的韓文歌,呢首係我剛剛睇完嘅韓劇”屋塔房的王世子“插曲之一, Love it!^O^

Tuesday, June 5, 2012



第一次食solid food, 佢pick up 都幾快,頭一兩啖成日流番出嚟之外,其餘都好快食唒,仲捉住隻spoon唔肯放,食到超緊張! 連BB朱都話妹妹朱超得意。

第二個第一次係今日瞓醒,擺佢係play mat到坐,佢竟然唔駛扶住自己坐得好穩,坐係到玩咗好耐,勁!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jase攪笑語錄 (一)

行行下Mall, Jase突然同我講
Jase: "媽咪, I love you呀!"
我:“Oh, so sweet"
當我想回應I love you, too嘅時候
Jase: "媽咪,我"nut"褲呀”
原來佢係想同我講佢'nut‘褲,唔係I love you...hahahhaa..一場歡喜o_O

On the way 去Maggie Cheng and George Chan 婚禮嘅時候
Jase: 媽咪,去完婚禮,Maggie 姐姐係唔係會變Auntie架?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME 2012

朱先生特登請假陪我慶祝生日,但係好攪笑,行程有D奇怪,竟然我哋第一餐係High Tea??  Of course食唔飽啦,跟住走咗去食拉麵,然後係downtown走咗個圈(It was a worse part of my birthday, 因為好曬好熱同推住兩位小朋友,好辛苦,最慘係,朱先生唔(單)聲,等我著對舒服鞋去迎戰, 行到我哋上氣唔接下氣,腰酸背痛,因為超多斜路,都好,食咗咁多嘢消耗番哂),然後送兩位小朋友去奶奶到,可以俾我哋二人世界,跟住我哋去食飯同睇Avengers, 真係好耐無係戲院到睇戲,超興奮!!

亦都多謝朱先生精心挑選份禮物,唔錯唔錯! (係我事前同佢講我要頸鍊做生日禮物,但款式就要佢揀,What a BIG task...hahahaXP)

但係我真的很多謝朱先生嘅安排,辛苦哂,你真係好錫我! I love you so much!^^ 
亦都好感恩,神讓我對仔囡係我生日時都幾well-behaved,𡯁其是Jase, 我同佢講媽咪今日生日最好唔好扭計同喊,食嘢食快啲,俾我舒舒服服過生日,佢真係好聽話,想扭計嘅時候,我remind佢媽咪生日喎,佢會盡佢所能即刻收聲,非常俾面,I love my two lovely kids so much!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother Day 2012

連續兩日慶祝母親節,星期六同奶奶慶祝,親自整咗prime rib,星期日係爸爸到同一班媽咪們BBQ慶祝,原本都幾開心,但係BB朱因為星期五食得too much junk and cold food, 卒之打敗仗,係星期六晚發燒同咳到呢.....我其實覺得佢好慘咳到好辛苦超唔舒服,好想攬實佢錫下佢,但係當我諗到佢係咁食junk food(當我唔係佢身邊嘅時候),  叫極佢唔好食咁多,同我發脾氣個衰樣,真係忍唔住同佢講自己攞嚟gin叫佢死開(因為病所以超cranky, 想打爆佢),但諗心一層,其實佢仲好細個,大人都唔係幾識節制,何妨呢位未夠3歲嘅小朋友? 我諗我真係當咗佢好識嘢咁.
不過做阿媽嘅,口講想打爆佢,但係點忍心呀!  噚晚臨瞓同佢一齊祈禱求神醫治,又每隔一個鐘過去睇下佢有無退燒,make sure佢唔好凍親又唔好熱親,直至到真係退咗燒先安心瞓覺。好感恩,今朝發燒退了,只剩下咳同鼻水, 我哋以為會返唔到崇拜, 卒之都返到。



Monday, May 7, 2012

戒夜晚尿片﹣Day 5

叻仔,噚晚無尿床,媽咪proud of YOU!!!^O^