Saturday, February 9, 2008


朱先生由第二堂開始同我一齊上藝術創作班, 初時, 佢好似好唔願意咁, 但係上上吓, 佢開始都好多分享, 亦都因為咁, 俾我更加明白佢諗緊啲咩嘢, 透過啲畫, 睇到佢近排嘅心情, 都幾得意架.

有時你睇人哋嘅畫, 你會估佢想表達啲咩嘢, 但係好多時都會估錯, 因為你唔係佢, 有時會好surprise你架. ^^



呢個就係我哋近排嘅心境啦! 你哋估唔估到我哋想表達咩呢??^^


Addy Ho said...

Alex, you have so much respobsibility! So many people counting on you!!!! Take it easy!

Jodie, life is a combination of joy and sorrow! I wish you have a more joy (the :) face) than sorrow (the :( face) in your pic.

Uncle Addy

Anonymous said...
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mandy said...

hahhaha... so many palm prints... i guess... you wanna slap some body??? heehee

我咪係污糟啲 said...

To Uncle Addy,

a bit right la, but more complicated ga..hahaha..good try!^^

To Mandy,

hahahhaa..u know me a lot ar..I am a 暴力狂ma..hahahha