近排睇緊一本關於“Christian Leadership Coaching"嘅書,因為我而家嘅工作開始向住Coaching呢方面進發,對我嚟講幾新鮮同幾有挑戰性,可以Coach一班義工,幫助佢哋搵到神係佢哋生命上嘅旨意同埋搵到真正自己,嘻嘻!個Dream都幾大,不過,有夢想都幾好,我知道我自己做緊咩同個方向係邊到,都幾有趣,我相信我會學到好多嘢同經歷好多嘢,請為我祈禱啦!升Q升Q!
我以前都對Coaching有個錯誤理解,就係一講到Coaching只諗到運動,打藍球呀,Hockey呀之餘此類,無諗過有Life Coaching呢咩嘢,所以一向唔太鍾意睇書嘅我,都買咗兩本關於Coaching嘅書嚟睇。
What is Coaching?"Coaching is helping people learn instead of teaching them"
"A coach is someone who sees you as made in the image of God and tells you the truth about who you really are."
"A coach pushes you to think, to stretch yourself, to take responsibility for your life and get done what you know you need to do."
"A coach is also someone who will hold you accountable, challenge you to live out your values."
"The essence of coaching is believing in people."
"Four Key skill areas in the coaching conversation: listening, asking, acting and supporting"
原來做Coaching唔係要give advises而係要學習點樣ask questions, 都幾得意嘅,唔同做Mentoring.
"When I am mentoring, I'm teaching a person, letting him/her draw from me or learn from my experience"
"When I am coaching, I'm pushing a person to draw from his/her own resources and experience"
係AFC到做發揮空間都幾大,我從一個唔知自己夢想唔知自己強項係邊度唔知自己有幾多潛能,透過同事們鼓勵同肯定,公司又肯俾機會我嘗試,加上神嘅帶領,開始逐漸都知道自己去緊咩方向,我要繼續努力呀! 仲有排學呢!^^