噚日係姊妹gathering裡面有個姊妹做咗一個好好味嘅甜品, 名叫"Chocolate Lava Cake", 真係好好味呀! 裡面啲朱古力流出嚟架, 超正!(請看圖片)同好易做架, 所以個姊妹好好將個Recipe send咗出嚟與我哋分享囉,我都唔自私嘅, 所以post上自己個blog到與你哋分享.
Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe (serve 6 ppl)
125g dark chocolate
125g unsalted butter (i usually use 100g or less)
3 eggs
1/4 cup white sugar
3 tablespoon flour
1. melt butter and dark chocolate in a pan. let the mixture cool down.
2. mix eggs with sugar
3. pour 1&2 together. stirr well.
4. add flour slowly and stirr till the mixture becomes smooth
5. pour mixture into muffin-pan.
6. put into *preheated oven (450degree), take it out immediately after 5mins.