Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Exposé 夏日探索 - 油魚仔

返咗工之後,第一個project, 就係攪咗個Summer活動俾學生,唔但止玩,仲會帶佢哋去做啲社區服務。


咩叫油魚仔呢? 你哋有無見過有條黃色魚仔係個坑渠附近,知唔知點解有條魚係到?有咩意思呢?

我未做呢個project 之前,我以為條魚係代表可以係呢個坑渠釣魚(係真架,我真係以為咁架XP),因為有啲坑渠有有啲坑渠無,所以以為有啲坑渠可以釣有啲唔得。我問過朱先生知唔知係咩嚟,佢話條魚個頭向邊到,即係代表啲水流去邊個方向,完全錯,錯,錯!!!!!

Storm Drain Marking Program

Storm Drains on your street now have yellow fish painted beside them.
Image of Storm Drain MarkerThe yellow fish are there to remind us that storm drains on our roadways empty directly into local streams. We need to keep harmful things out of the the storm drains . Storm Drain Marking is a conservation and education project developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Storm drains are not part of the sanitary sewer system.

The fish are often painted by local residents and children who care about your local streams. Then brochures are handed out door-to-door in the community to explain the program. You can help, too!
Dispose of household hazardous wastes correctly. Everything that empties into a storm drain eventually ends up in fish and wildlife habitat.

See more details, pls go to Storm Drain Marking Program web site.

因為政府無funding去做呢個project, 所以要靠義工們幫手, 其實俾個機會我哋為自己社區服務,好有意義架!






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