Friday, August 20, 2010

"Child of Divorce"

 "Divorce won't hurt the children if you do it right. Not surprisingly, the proponents of this theory are parents who have divorced. I have yet to meet or hear of a child of divorce who has bought into it - we know better. There is not a "right way" to do divorce so that no one gets hurt. It may be a nice idea, but the reality simply does not work that way. Our actions have consequences, and one of the consequences of divorce is the battered hearts of children whose homes are broken when marriage vows are abandoned."

"Jeff found himself in a conversation with a recently divorced coworker.
He asked her, "How are your kids doing?"
"Oh, they're doing great," she assured him. "I sat down with each one of them, talked to them about the divorce and asked them how they were feeling. They are all great kids and handling it really well."
"Baloney," Jeff said. "Your kids are lying to you. They're just telling you what you want to hear."
Jeff's blunt reply shocked, even angered, his co-worker.   But later she sought him out and thanked him. After their last conversation, she confronted her children again and found that Jeff was right."

"Part of our struggle with trust stems from the broken trust with our parents. The people who were supposed to model and teach us concepts like trustworthiness, honesty and faithfulness are instead the people who have let us down the most, lied to us most consistently and failed to be there when we most needed them. While their actions were often unintentional, we had front-row seats to observe their failures, and it left many of us with doubts about who can be trusted."

Thursday, August 19, 2010


BB朱以家識自己企係到同bye bye, 好攪笑^O^

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


近排睇緊本書叫做"Child of Divorce Child of God",令我諗返起“天父”。




神讓我知道我其實好嬲爸爸(嬲佢以前點樣傷害媽咪),但另一邊廂我知爸爸好錫我同照顧我,我亦都好愛爸爸,所以好mixed feelings, 但爸爸嘅好,令我自自然然將我對佢嘅嬲怒埋藏咗係我心底好底嘅地方,連我自己都唔記得, 無再挖返出嚟。


Thursday, August 12, 2010


好耐無試過一班係香港由細玩到大嘅表兄弟姊妹一齊約出嚟食飯(尚欠Galex表哥同欣欣表姐),真係好開心呀!  大家都改變咗好多,講下以前講下近況 ,雖然好耐無見,但係其實大家個心仍然好近。