Wednesday, March 31, 2010


最攪笑妳Daddy唊醋呀,同我講話妳無整過呢啲嘢俾佢喎,哈哈,he is so funny!XD 

BTW, 請問呢10隻羊羊有什麼意思架, 係唔係等BB朱瞓唔著數綿羊??^O^

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


過去嘅四個星期五,好多謝珍姐幫我照顧BB朱幾個鐘,讓我可以學到我最想學嘅迷你麵粉食物,呢個就係我第一個完成嘅作品 ﹣




嚟緊第二個作品係榚點車仔檔,looking forward呀!!!!!^O^

Monday, March 29, 2010



Sunday, March 28, 2010


啱啱過咗嘅星期一,有好多奇怪事發生,令到我R哂頭,不過thanks GOD, everything 都有驚無險。

嗰朝超早收到細妹電話,佢話剛剛有3個差佬拍佢門,問佢噚晚凌晨3點鐘係邊到,細妹咪話係屋企瞓覺囉,跟住咪問番啲差佬發生咩事,個差佬無理我細妹,然後繼續問,屋企有無男人噚晚凌晨3點揸咗架車去咗Langley, 細妹咪話佢老公噚晚係屋企瞓覺無出過街,個差佬好唔有善同細妹講"I don't trust you, you should tell me the truth", 細妹R哂頭都唔知發生咩事,跟住個差佬問細妹架Rav 4係邊,唔好收埋架Rav 4, 我聽完都R哂頭,細妹同佢老公得架civic 同Acura ,跟本無Rav 4, 跟住個差佬又話唔信佢,跟住無耐仲要拖咗佢架Acura走,後嚟個差佬先同佢講噚晚有個男人揸住架Rav 4係langley超速,有個差佬追住佢叫佢pull over,但係俾架Rav 4走咗,但係個差佬抄低咗個車牌,個車牌就係細妹架Acura個車牌,細妹咪同佢講佢哋跟本無去過Langley同無Rav 4, 做咩要拖佢架車,但係個差佬唔理照拖,然後叫細妹打電話去Langley Police Station問個究竟,跟住咪打囉,俾咗個File#佢哋check, R 頭嘢又出現,個Langley Police Station話個file係發生係一月個喎,細妹話個3個差佬話係噚晚發生個喎,然後Langley Police Station又話噚晚當值個差佬放緊假,要星期五先返,所以個File未到手,叫細妹星期五先再打去搵嗰個差佬,我細妹咪話緊係唔得啦,無咗架車點返工呀,同埋嗰單嘢跟本唔關佢哋事,跟住langley police station話要問上頭,遲一個鐘先復返佢,無耐個langley police station打返俾細妹,話佢哋可以攞番架車,但係啲差人要沒收細妹個License Plate,要佢哋自己整返個新License Plate, 其他詳情叫我細妹打番去Vancouver Police Station,因為係Vancouver嗰邊police station拖佢哋車,所以所有嘢要Vancouver個邊決定,到最後仲要我細妹俾拖車費。
我聽完火都嚟埋,好明顯嗰個差佬抄錯車牌啦,啲差佬好醒目沒收咗細妹個license Plate, 就當一切沒發生過,咩世界,自己做錯嘢仲要推來推去,仲要係警察,因為事情嚟得太突然,唔記得咗抄低個3個差佬number, 而又無任何文件證明佢哋做錯嘢,真失策,唔係一定告死佢哋。


夜晚約咗幾位弟兄姊妹係Tim Hortons開會,但係去parking攞車嘅時候,條開parking門嘅門匙suck咗係度門到拎唔番出嚟,出盡力都攞唔到,跟住打俾朱先生求救,佢抱堆個仔落嚟都求唔到我, 然後打去apartment 嘅emergency 揾人幫手,但係要等,不過,每一個出入parking嘅人都好好,好熱心幫我,但係都係拎唔返出嚟,跟住朱先生叫我走先,佢同阿仔企係到等人嚟幫手(超擔心唔知佢哋等幾耐-_-),到最後都係等唔到emergency嘅人嚟幫手,因為病咗嚟唔到,但係好感恩神派咗個天使嚟幫手,朱先生話有個經過嘅男士用咗佢嘅Parking門匙推咗我條匙出嚟,跟住想試下係把鎖壞咗定係我條門匙壞咗,所以個位男士用佢條鎖匙再開多次parking門,點知輪到佢suck住咗,朱先生話幾驚佢拎唔番條匙出嚟呀,好在用番同一個方法可以拎番條匙,咁都無咁驚,到最後,apartment嘅管理人派咗人整返好個鎖啦!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Letters To GOD

4月小組gathering,我哋計劃去睇"Letters to GOD"呢套movie, 成班小組人一齊去戲院睇戲,真係好耐未試過,對上一次與小組睇戲係睇"Passion of the Christ",睇完之後去咗生活小品到大家講番睇後感,好多人有喊,我係喊得最勁嗰個,一路分享一路喊到豬頭咁,諗起都好笑,希望嚟緊呢套戲可以俾到我哋好多反省同好多分享,so exciting about it!!!

Here is the trailer:

A heartfelt tale of inspiration, hope and redemption, Letters to God is the story of what happens when one boy’s walk of faith crosses paths with one man’s search for meaning—the resulting transformational journey touches the lives of everyone around them. Tyler Doherty (TANNER MAGUIRE) is an extraordinary eight—year—old boy. Surrounded by a loving family and community, and armed with the courage of his faith, he faces his daily battle against cancer with bravery and grace. To Tyler, God is a friend, a teacher and the ultimate pen pal—Tyler’s prayers take the form of letters, which he composes and mails on a daily basis. The letters find their way into the hands of Brady McDaniels (JEFFREY S.S. JOHNSON), a beleaguered postman standing at a crossroads in his life. At first, he is confused and conflicted over what to do with the letters. Overtime he begins to form a friendship with the Doherty family – getting to know not just Tyler but his tough, tender yet overwhelmed mom (ROBYN LIVELY), stalwart grandmother (MAREE CHEATHAM) and teen brother Ben (MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER BOLTEN) —— who are each trying to stand strong against the doubts that come with the chaotic turn their lives have taken. Moved by Tyler’s courage, Brady realizes what he must do with the letters, a surprise decision that will transform his heart and uplift his newfound friends and community –in an exhilarating act of testament to the contagious effect of one boy’s unwavering faith against the odds. Inspired by a true story, Letters to God is an intimate, moving and often funny story about the galvanizing effect one child’s belief can have on his family, friends and community.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

